Looks like I get to spend some time at the airport today to contemplate life. I made some planning mistakes getting here this morning, and arriving 15 minutes before my flight cost me 6 hours of wait time for another one. The terminal is locked just prior to the flight, so I couldn’t get in… Continue reading Hangin’ at the Airport
Tag: rat
I just finished up a site I was working on for a friend. It was actually finished a while ago, but I’ve only just uploaded it to the server for public view. I think it is one of the better looking site designs I’ve had the honor to put together. I was given total artistic… Continue reading CayceTerrell.com
Dragon*Con 2007 :: Wrap-Up
Upon arrival at DragonCon Friday evening, I was met by a frantic Jeff at the Hyatt hotel. It would seem that the hotel doesn’t actually guarantee two beds in reserved rooms. A curious approach, as we had booked the room for quad occupancy. To make matters worse, the room presented to Jeff had a window… Continue reading Dragon*Con 2007 :: Wrap-Up
DragonCon 2007
It occurred to me half-way through this week that I hadn’t really said anything about DragonCon on my blog. Well, it’s that time again! The wife, and our surrogate siblings have been extremely busy – staying up into the wee-hours – to get things ready for the event. Whether it was finishing up other work… Continue reading DragonCon 2007
Tips for Blogging, Puddin’ Brain
There’s something to be said for focus. Hitting the hot spots on the web for news is well and good, but it’s probably more productive to focus on those places that can offer you something to comment on, rather than simply steal your attention away from what you came there to do.
A Surreal Morning
Monday morning I began my day like many others. It was the first day of school for many, and it was the beginning of the work week for me. I also managed to get out the door in record time (related) that morning; the sun was just creeping up above the horizon as I set… Continue reading A Surreal Morning
The Drudgery of Process
I’m in the kind of job where, according to best practices, I need finite processes defined for everything I do. Skipping past acquisition, in order to get a server ready to install an operating system, I have to request a place for the server to go, ask someone to install it in that place, ask… Continue reading The Drudgery of Process
Geeked Out at 1:00am
It’s now 2:30am Saturday morning and I’m finally getting home to get some sleep. Soon, anyway. I was with Jeff McClure working on a Ghostbusters Proton Pack replica. He got some new parts for it and had since lost the sound and light synchronization. I wasn’t sure what I was in for, but Jeff pulled… Continue reading Geeked Out at 1:00am
Combining Cultures
This past week, Fiserv announced that it is acquiring CheckFree Corporation, the company I have worked for over the last few years. The news came as quite a shock to everyone I spoke to, though that doesn’t necessarily mean people fear the worst. It’s split pretty evenly between pessimists and optimists. I’m a pessimist, though… Continue reading Combining Cultures
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
I broke out of my comfort zone in two big ways this weekend; both involving drumming. When it comes to personal challenges, those involving my creative efforts are the most difficult to engage. A failure at something coming from creativity is a personal one, to me. However, I don’t feel that I lost in either… Continue reading Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone