Where’s “My” Community?

I am imagining a better WordPress. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the engine behind Gradin.com, as well as countless other blogs on the Interweb. I have been using WordPress for several years now and I really enjoy it. Its many features have grown, and grown on me. Now that I am expectant… Continue reading Where’s “My” Community?

Afghanistan Remembers Music

I listened to a piece from WNYC’s Radio Lab recently only to form a more concrete relationship with the loss that victims suffer under Taliban rule. From the outside, looking in, the culture seems muddied with the intermingling of past and present times.  Between incomplete reports from the news agencies, history, and modern documentaries, it… Continue reading Afghanistan Remembers Music

The Drudgery of Process

I’m in the kind of job where, according to best practices, I need finite processes defined for everything I do. Skipping past acquisition, in order to get a server ready to install an operating system, I have to request a place for the server to go, ask someone to install it in that place, ask… Continue reading The Drudgery of Process

Noisy Neighbors

Don’t you hate when your neighbors keep you up at night with their frenetic sounds of sexual bliss? It’s 2:00am and you’re laying in your bed, wide awake, with the sounds of labored squeaks emanating from your walls from somewhere outside. I mean, really! The backyard, under the house, the bushes; is no place sacred?!?… Continue reading Noisy Neighbors

Quandries of the American English Dialect

ar·chi·tect (är’kĭ-tĕkt’) n. One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures. One that plans or devises: a country considered to be the chief architect of war in the Middle East. [Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitektōn : arkhi-, archi- + tektōn, builder.] At some point (I believe within my lifetime), the… Continue reading Quandries of the American English Dialect

The Smell of Victory

Success comes in many forms and in some cases the mark of success isn’t always apparent to others. Most recently, the bowels of our home were home to some number of rodents – big ones. I don’t know how many, though I hope the number was three. I first knew we were in trouble when… Continue reading The Smell of Victory

Kingdom of Loathing

I’ve not written about it before, but the Kingdom of Loathing (KoL) is the best piece of crap since Legend of the Red Dragon (LoRD) way back in BBS days. KoL is chocked full of PHP and MySQL goodness to bring forth one of the more entertaining web games out there. Your a stick figure… Continue reading Kingdom of Loathing

Humanoid Resources

It is a continued struggle with my logical mind to deal with Human Resources. It doesn’t matter what company it is, Human Resources is the quintessential inefficiency expert. That must be the only private sector area in which the government still reigns on high. The formalities requires to interact with Human Resources are mind-boggling. You… Continue reading Humanoid Resources

Time Well Spent

Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent