
I read about recently and thought I’d have to go try it out. is a 3D avatar generator, geared primarily towards 18-25 year-old blog owners like the type you’d see on MySpace or similar. So what do you think? Is it my gaming self? In related news, there’s now a site that will… Continue reading Meez

Kingdom of Loathing

I’ve not written about it before, but the Kingdom of Loathing (KoL) is the best piece of crap since Legend of the Red Dragon (LoRD) way back in BBS days. KoL is chocked full of PHP and MySQL goodness to bring forth one of the more entertaining web games out there. Your a stick figure… Continue reading Kingdom of Loathing


Some of you may remember the greatest years of gaming as a dynasty ruling from the late 70’s through the 90’s. When graphics took over the mainstream competitive edge, companies began disregarding “fun gameplay.” Today, computer games and even some console games take 100’s of hours of investment to actually beat or become a badass… Continue reading Syndicate

In Gaming News

The Bungie team is making headway on their project to create Halo, the movie. To make an awesome start, they got Peter Jackson to direct produce the film. They also have WETA doing their digital work and weapons/armor. I’m thrilled that they’ve made such great moves towards the success of this film. Because I know… Continue reading In Gaming News

Time Well Spent

Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent

MSI 3.0 (Update)

I finished the class Microsoft presented on MSI 3.0. It’s interesting stuff, but if you’re used to such things as RPM, it’s just catching up. Microsoft does have a nice feature coming out that is targeted to assist the gaming community. This new feature allows the original MSI installer to apply a certificate to the… Continue reading MSI 3.0 (Update)