Afghanistan Remembers Music

I listened to a piece from WNYC’s Radio Lab recently only to form a more concrete relationship with the loss that victims suffer under Taliban rule. From the outside, looking in, the culture seems muddied with the intermingling of past and present times.  Between incomplete reports from the news agencies, history, and modern documentaries, it… Continue reading Afghanistan Remembers Music

Quandries of the American English Dialect

ar·chi·tect (är’kĭ-tĕkt’) n. One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures. One that plans or devises: a country considered to be the chief architect of war in the Middle East. [Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitektōn : arkhi-, archi- + tektōn, builder.] At some point (I believe within my lifetime), the… Continue reading Quandries of the American English Dialect

Raquy Danziger Workshop

Saturday I took a workshop with Raquy Danziger of Raquy and the Cavemen. She’s touring for her latest album release, “Naked.” I’ve been looking forward to this workshop since before it was actually being offered with her busy touring schedule. Perseverance paid off and the schedule was finally updated to include Atlanta as a stop… Continue reading Raquy Danziger Workshop

When is the Weekend only the Beginning?

Friday night I went out with family for Father’s Day – Amy’s sister was in town from Philly, so it was a special occasion. The two dad’s in the family were treated to dinner at Kiku’s, a fine Japanese hibachi place in Gainesville. I had been uncustomarily hungry throughout the week, so Friday night I… Continue reading When is the Weekend only the Beginning?

Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”

Viruses plague MSN, service interruptions for IM’ers PayPal learns the meaning of ‘change control’ when a development error costs them days of business and customer loyalty (still not working, by the way) War in the Middle East Superman dead (this time for real) RIAA sues everyone America can’t decide between an indecisive, anti-war veteran and… Continue reading Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”