Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

We’re doing the Harry Potter book release event for book 7 at “Bound to Read” in East Atlanta Village. It’s an exciting venue – it’s the last one as far as we know. We should have hit this market sooner – it’s a blast! The first one for us was in Gainesville at Chapter 13… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

DiY PC: Antec Truepower Trio 650W (PSU)

Now that I have a case, the Antec Nine Hundred if you remember, I needed to get it powered…adequately. I went through quite a bit of research to try and figure out how much power I would need, but in the end I found it more difficult…and inexact to do the “right” thing. It seems… Continue reading DiY PC: Antec Truepower Trio 650W (PSU)

intacard Looks Like Bad Business

If you’re looking around for an AllofMp3.com replacement, you’ve probably happened across MP3fiesta.com. At first glance, it looks like a good thing. Reading into some of the reviews will give you more hope that MP3fiesta is what we were looking for after the fall of AoM. However, upon a true introduction to the services I… Continue reading intacard Looks Like Bad Business

DiY PC: Antec Nine Hundred (Case)

I’m in the process of building out a new custom PC for the house – the first one in quite a while now. Contrary to what you might think, as a technology guy I’m usually a little late for getting things up-to-date around the house. As such, I’m replacing an old Intellistation dual-proc Pentium 3… Continue reading DiY PC: Antec Nine Hundred (Case)

TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED, for short. Where the most innovative, brilliant people of our time talk on issues that are important to the world. TED began back in 1984 and represented those three concepts; technology, entertainment, and design. Since then, the genres have expanded, but the goal remains the same. Once a year…1,000 remarkable… Continue reading TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Summer Solstice

I noticed that this time last year marked a particularly hot and dry period in the year. It so happens that Georgia has been suffering a level two drought since the ides of April. So either this year’s drought is nothing new, or it’s only getting worse with every year. I’m not much of a… Continue reading Summer Solstice

How to Reboot your BlackBerry 7100

Open the battery compartment by smashing your finger against an immovable plastic button Remove the battery which undoubtedly has a red indicator sticker demonstrating that it has been in an environment with humidity greater than 20% Reinsert said voided battery Slide the plastic cover back onto the phone Wait 8 minutes Assuming you connect to… Continue reading How to Reboot your BlackBerry 7100

Pandora’s Jukebox

The name Pandora means “all gifted” in Greek. In ancient Greek mythology, Pandora received many gifts from the Gods, including the gift of music, from Apollo. She was also, as we all know, insatiably curious. Unlike those Gods of old, however, we celebrate that virtue and have made it our mission to reward the musically… Continue reading Pandora’s Jukebox

The Philosophy of Creative Energy

I heard an interesting perspective from a devout Christian man the other day and have come around to finally closing my thoughts on the matter. The discussion began as a consequence of a friend’s comment, “my brother is a Christian and a musician, but not a Christian musician.” Just so you understand the context of… Continue reading The Philosophy of Creative Energy