Threadless: “Seaside”

‘Sup, land lubbers? This is a shout-out to my homeys from way-back. Notorious black beards, REPRESENT! Anyway, I finished another Threadless submission – this one entitled “Seaside.” It went through several critiques and evolved to what you see here now. The original was classy. The finished version is less anatomical design, and more “killer t-shirt… Continue reading Threadless: “Seaside”

Ill-Conceived Science

I have heard this one before.  It was once said that bumblebees were scientifically incapable of flight.  Today’s future-potential piece of mythical folklore is that the pterodactyl was also incapable of flight.  Katsufumi Sato has collected and assessed the data only to reveal nature’s secret to flight: “…the largest animal capable of soaring across the… Continue reading Ill-Conceived Science

Where’s “My” Community?

I am imagining a better WordPress. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the engine behind, as well as countless other blogs on the Interweb. I have been using WordPress for several years now and I really enjoy it. Its many features have grown, and grown on me. Now that I am expectant… Continue reading Where’s “My” Community?

Road Rash is Like Diaper Rash, but Not as Cute

Carlos brought to my attention his recent exploration of road rash. Oh, Carlos, where can I learn more? Personal experience is often a better teacher than anything else.

Hide and Seek

Sometimes a new song is played and you instantly fall in love with it.  It could be that it’s a great emotional swelling in your body, or just something so groovy that you can’t keep still while you listen.  Other times, it might be a contextual reference that gives the song a special relativity. Imogen… Continue reading Hide and Seek

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-07

@yellowjeepgirl I would be happy to stow it in my waterproof panniers – I need to fill them to look extra useful. # @lunitius The bike computer went to ’00°’ on my ride home yesterday. I thought it was done there, but it got up to 03°. # @DinoRubble If you figure out a way… Continue reading Twitter Updates for 2008-08-07

Esquire, Magazine of the Future!

Dippin’ Dots are so 2000…E Ink is the future.  Esquire magazine is making a bold move to use E Ink on the cover of their October magazine.  What’s more, they snagged the rights to the deal from E Ink Corporation for a year.  That gives them megacreds towards the potential future of magazine design.  Remember… Continue reading Esquire, Magazine of the Future!

Tastey Nuts

I’m a fan of the seed and nut family, as many can attest. I maintain a supply of them at my desk at work for the occasion of snacking, which comes regularly. There are also infinite jokes to be told that never get old: Hello everybody. I have brought my nuts for everybody to enjoy.… Continue reading Tastey Nuts

Threadless Submission (Critique)

I am planning to start posting more submissions to Threadless for consideration in their shirt designs.  Their methods have matured so much since my earlier submission and purchases!  They now have the ability to allow artists to submit designs for critque prior to final publishing.  It’s a great way for someone like myself to get… Continue reading Threadless Submission (Critique)

No Polluter Commuter!

I’m not much of an activist, but I have taken action in support of our environment.  As of this past Monday, I began what I hope to be a consistent plan to reduce my gas consumption, reduce mileage on my car, and increase my fitness level.  I am currently riding a bicycle for the most… Continue reading No Polluter Commuter!