BlackBerry Cobbler

As I’ve grown up in varying parts of Georgia, one thing remained absolutely constant; blackberries. They’re in south Georgia and north Georgia. They grow vigorously regardless of what pain you can submit them to. My mom makes the best blackberry cobbler in the world. I haven’t had it in sometime now (hint, hint), but I’m… Continue reading BlackBerry Cobbler

Pod People

Yesterday, Amy and I spent the whole day doing Chewbacca pictures for the upcoming DragonCon art show. I think this year’s project is going to be really great! Earlier in the morning, I had a doctor’s appointment to attend to. While I was there, I took the opportunity to ask April, the lady I usually… Continue reading Pod People

Prepare to be WoW’d

I have friends that were involved in the World of Warcraft beta. The flimsy descriptions didn’t peak my interest too highly, and I kind of knew that I wouldn’t have time to invest in a MMORPG. I played Ultima Online and EverQuest back in the day. They’re both highly addictive. Fortunately, my wife really enjoyed… Continue reading Prepare to be WoW’d

A Day in the Life of Chewbacca

My wife is working on an art project for DragonCon this year. She doesn’t have much time, but her best work is done at the last minute. She has been getting her work into the DragonCon art auction for a few years now and she really loves it. I enjoy seeing her get into these… Continue reading A Day in the Life of Chewbacca

What are your Convictions?

Spirituality and religion are distinctly separate tracts within mankind’s existence. Spirituality is what is. It is what you sense and what you feel. It’s also what you feel through others. Empathy, if you will. The acknowledgment of an infrastructure, to put it in technological terms, if we are the applications. What this infrastructure is actually… Continue reading What are your Convictions?

Back in the U.S. of A.

There was a slight-ish angst lifted as I passed the border patrol in Buffalo to return to the United States. Canada is only barely a foreign country, but I found myself uneasy about consequences I was unfamiliar with. I’m generally a rule-breaker, and make my decisions based upon logical reasoning instead of laws and warnings.… Continue reading Back in the U.S. of A.

Martian Lake Discoverd: Record Pike Bagged

A nice-sized lake was found on Mars nestled within a 22-mile impact crater. It’s potentially substantial evidence that the sub-surface water on Mars is emitted following a meteor impact. The water is thought to be released and then frozen or evaporated within a short amount of time. This patch exists year-round, despite the fact that… Continue reading Martian Lake Discoverd: Record Pike Bagged

Humanoid Resources

It is a continued struggle with my logical mind to deal with Human Resources. It doesn’t matter what company it is, Human Resources is the quintessential inefficiency expert. That must be the only private sector area in which the government still reigns on high. The formalities requires to interact with Human Resources are mind-boggling. You… Continue reading Humanoid Resources

Konfabulator – Yahoo! Widgets

The Konfabulator tool was recommended to me by a coworker recently. He noticed that I used the Desktop Sidebar, a Longhorn-looking (Windows Vista) desktop component. To be honest, I was speculative of the Konfabulator’s ability to replace the Desktop Sidebar, both by its name and the source of information (he’s not a Windows guy, so… Continue reading Konfabulator – Yahoo! Widgets