Tips for Blogging, Puddin’ Brain

There’s something to be said for focus. Hitting the hot spots on the web for news is well and good, but it’s probably more productive to focus on those places that can offer you something to comment on, rather than simply steal your attention away from what you came there to do.

Geeked Out at 1:00am

It’s now 2:30am Saturday morning and I’m finally getting home to get some sleep. Soon, anyway. I was with Jeff McClure working on a Ghostbusters Proton Pack replica. He got some new parts for it and had since lost the sound and light synchronization. I wasn’t sure what I was in for, but Jeff pulled… Continue reading Geeked Out at 1:00am

Polar Cities

I must prefix this post with a bit of back story… A reader in Taiwan, Danny Bee, left a comment on an article I wrote (“Emily Yoffe Learns The Secret“). I had first assumed that the comment was spam, though the suspect spam did not follow my preconceived notions of spam. It had no sales… Continue reading Polar Cities

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

We’re doing the Harry Potter book release event for book 7 at “Bound to Read” in East Atlanta Village. It’s an exciting venue – it’s the last one as far as we know. We should have hit this market sooner – it’s a blast! The first one for us was in Gainesville at Chapter 13… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED, for short. Where the most innovative, brilliant people of our time talk on issues that are important to the world. TED began back in 1984 and represented those three concepts; technology, entertainment, and design. Since then, the genres have expanded, but the goal remains the same. Once a year…1,000 remarkable… Continue reading TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Microsoft Acquires SeaDragon: Photosynth Preview

Wow! I mean, really?!? Words cannot express this amazing (new-ish) technology. A picture is worth 1,000 words, and this technology brings together thousands of pictures in new and innovative ways. Perhaps we’re getting close to a proper expression now. I’m not going to attempt to rationalize or dissect this concept because I really don’t know… Continue reading Microsoft Acquires SeaDragon: Photosynth Preview

Pandora’s Jukebox

The name Pandora means “all gifted” in Greek. In ancient Greek mythology, Pandora received many gifts from the Gods, including the gift of music, from Apollo. She was also, as we all know, insatiably curious. Unlike those Gods of old, however, we celebrate that virtue and have made it our mission to reward the musically… Continue reading Pandora’s Jukebox

Four Eyed Monsters (2005): Film 2.0

My mind was working on a few different angles while watching this film just now. I saw the advertisement on YouTube and had the 70 minutes free time. Well, actually I was busy working on a wedding video and wanted a distraction – how apropos. At once I will congratulate the creators on a job… Continue reading Four Eyed Monsters (2005): Film 2.0

The Philosophy of Creative Energy

I heard an interesting perspective from a devout Christian man the other day and have come around to finally closing my thoughts on the matter. The discussion began as a consequence of a friend’s comment, “my brother is a Christian and a musician, but not a Christian musician.” Just so you understand the context of… Continue reading The Philosophy of Creative Energy

Emily Yoffe Learns ‘The Secret’

Emily Yoffe at recently wrote a piece for the Human Guinea Pig column regarding The Secret. I haven’t read the book myself, but I did read The Power of Intention which I am to understand is a similar concept. Emily retells her two month account of following the book’s advice and finds inspiration for… Continue reading Emily Yoffe Learns ‘The Secret’