This week’s “The Pain” comic tells the story – probably from my area of the world – of Obama’s election. When I first perused it, I had assumed Mr. Kreider was not a fan of Obama. For this one, you need to read the Artist’s statement which raises the comic wit. …watching Obama’s luminous acceptance… Continue reading The Horrors of the Obama Administration
Tag: comic
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Experience Makes for Great Inspiration
This comic from XKCD captures a feeling I have frequently. Sometimes I go to lengths just to attend or make an experience for the purpose of recollecting it to the world. Somebody out there thinks like I do…
Emily Yoffe Learns ‘The Secret’
Emily Yoffe at recently wrote a piece for the Human Guinea Pig column regarding The Secret. I haven’t read the book myself, but I did read The Power of Intention which I am to understand is a similar concept. Emily retells her two month account of following the book’s advice and finds inspiration for… Continue reading Emily Yoffe Learns ‘The Secret’
Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs
I thought I invented the word metaphysiology just now. Meta- being the state of something being in an advanced or super state, physique/physical representing the anatomy, and finally -ology being the study of. Together that gives you the “scientific study of superhuman qualities or powers.” Alas, the New Age folks have already taken the word… Continue reading Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs
If you’re already leading a 30-person Java implementation, it’s way too late to go back to the boss and admit you picked the technology because you like coffee. —
And on the Navistar CXT/H2 overkill vehicle front, we have this from Doonseberry.
Flak Magazine: Aqua Teen Hunger Force: The Interview, 09-22-03
‘Just Bring ’em In From Space’ An Interview With the Creators of Aqua Teen Hunger Force By James Norton As genres go, ‘anthropomorphic food’ has a fairly lousy track record. What’s meant to be cute and whimsical typically turns out to be a mix of square and spooky. There’s nothing particularly fun about McDonald’s existentially… Continue reading Flak Magazine: Aqua Teen Hunger Force: The Interview, 09-22-03
The Honda Experience
The Honda Element has an unusual aesthetic value about it. I believe the general favor for this vehicle is split between those who love it and those who hate it. Oddly still, that split is probably 50/50. My wife and I coincidentally agree on our view and like the overall design. We’re both mostly utilitarian… Continue reading The Honda Experience