Celebrating our Decade Together

We had a good array of friends, both old and new, join us this weekend for our 10th anniversary celebration. I thank all of you that were able to come, and all of you that attempted but were lost (sorry, Marc). I especially enjoyed the myriad of entertainment friends could offer. Joshua Adrian performed some… Continue reading Celebrating our Decade Together

1/10 of a Century

As of this evening, I will have been married for 10 years to my lovely wife, Amy. We’ve accomplished a great deal during that time, but in retrospect it doesn’t seem that we’ve been together for so long. The Internet tells me that tin is the appropriate gift for ten years. Perhaps when those guidelines… Continue reading 1/10 of a Century

Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs

I thought I invented the word metaphysiology just now. Meta- being the state of something being in an advanced or super state, physique/physical representing the anatomy, and finally -ology being the study of. Together that gives you the “scientific study of superhuman qualities or powers.” Alas, the New Age folks have already taken the word… Continue reading Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs

Dragon*Con 2006: Day 3

Sunday was our big day at DragonCon. It is usually a pretty eventful day for the conference itself, and we were looking forward to the Masquerade later, followed by drumming. Speaking of drumming, it’s 4:00am and we’ve just arrived home from the Hyatt where we beat the night away. We had a real good time… Continue reading Dragon*Con 2006: Day 3

Dragon*Con 2006: Day 2

Saturday morning marked two firsts for us. One was that we were in Atlanta for DragonCon early enough to actually see the parade. The second was that we were actually in the parade! Not only that, we were part of the debut of drumming and dancing in the parade’s attendance. We got up at 7:00am… Continue reading Dragon*Con 2006: Day 2

Dragon*Con 2006: Day 1

Today marks the first day of DragonCon for Amy and I – it’s 2:00am on Saturday, but it was at 7:00am Friday morning when we began. It took us all day Friday to take care of things at home and get to Atlanta where Amy’s photography would be on exhibition in the DragonCon Art Show.… Continue reading Dragon*Con 2006: Day 1

First Time on the Mazda

This weekend was a fun-filled one in which Balthazar was introduced to automotive repair. He really enjoyed it, which means at age 6 not only will he be mowing the lawn, he’ll be changing my oil too. My goal was to replace all of my brake pads this weekend; a goal, which in reality, turned… Continue reading First Time on the Mazda

A Message from Balthazar

Balthazar wrote me a nice message this morning. His first, I believe. I think he intended for me to post it here, so here’s Balthazar’s first blog post: Etrosekwekd oiddf.k5rotipskdr4;t,lr.erfr;;;ewk .ir9roi3eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeekkeo3i4o eeeeeeeeeiooooooei3 wlp rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ekrs/d.ðw’ré 444444444444444444444444 pél5[p4 4r’r 4rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Fresh Dose of Heebee Jeebies

Neatorama shares with us six of the more horrific parasites encountered within the the world. I’ve seen some of these already and I know of others that certainly deserve their fair attention in the top 10. This article however, has some pictures that left me noticing slight skin twitches with some unneeded apprehension. Six Horrifying… Continue reading Fresh Dose of Heebee Jeebies