Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure

With TV cameras banned from the court, Sky News is recreating each day’s events using court transcripts and carefully selected actors. Granted, Edward Moss is no virgin to playing Michael Jackson (excuse the pun), but it does seem a little odd that Sky is doing this. Judge Judy is one thing, but this is an… Continue reading Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure

New Recruits

Carlos Rivera and I have both been trying to recruit additional members into the blogosphere. At present, we’re working on pressuring a fellow car-pooler, David C., and a co-worker, Marc W. Each of them have some assemblage of a web site already, but you and I know that excuse is lame. Besides, I don’t think… Continue reading New Recruits

Long Goodbye’s

Today my car was violated. As I drove soberly through inconsistent traffic in Gainesville, I noticed the 4 or 5-car pile-up that caused all the congestion. Continuing only 30 feet or so beyond the sad wrecks, I was greeted by screaching breaks and a solid thud into my trunk. The lady driving a Grand Jeep… Continue reading Long Goodbye’s

Hiding Spot #104

My wife, Amy, called today in a panic asking, “did you take off Balthazar’s shoes last night…where are they?” I realized that shoes would still be in my car, where he took them off himself yesterday evening. The problem is that all of Balthazar’s shoes went missing yesterday or the day before, and the only… Continue reading Hiding Spot #104

Spring is Nigh!

From what I’m reading, spring starts earlier now. I missed this fact growing up – perhaps no one cared enough to tell me. But tells us (scientifically) that spring starts no later than March 20th in the Northern Hemisphere. In fact, it actually starts on March 19th for all but the eastern states. There’s… Continue reading Spring is Nigh!

Omnifi is Here!

I got my Omnifi bundle today from I was so eager to get into it that I immediately opened the box and grabbed the documentation to begin reading. I knew I wouldn’t have a chance to play with the parts until much later, so I figured this would satisfy me. This thing is cool!… Continue reading Omnifi is Here!

Batteries Sold Separately

I received the remote control turbo car yesterday from w00t. It looks awesome, though I do have some complaints. The battery isn’t charged upon receipt, which isn’t particularly unusual – just disappointing. More to the problem however, the battery door is secured with micro a screw. Not that I don’t own a micro screwdriver; I… Continue reading Batteries Sold Separately

W00t W00t!

At one time, there was only one crack of choice. Today, products replace the tired old, used goods of yesteryear that were once purchased from the old flame, eBay. eBay still has a place – I still need to sell my warez to unsaavy individuals, but now takes first place in online… Continue reading W00t W00t!

First Impressions

My efforts to stay awake and finish my presentation Monday night were thwarted by constant head-nodding. Eventually, I gave up – my copy and paste actions were getting depressingly sloppy – and went to bed. I assumed that by getting to bed at a reasonable hour, I could wake up early and finish the slide… Continue reading First Impressions

MadLib Biographies

My friend, Jason D., sent me a chain-letter to fill out and send to a million people for good luck or something. I am against such things, but I like Jason and wish to at least better his luck. Instead of emailing everyone with my MadLib biography, I chose to post it here on my… Continue reading MadLib Biographies