Really old people celebrating a really long time together get diamonds, if I’m not mistaken. There’s some contest between the traditional and modern gift order, but I’m guessing they’re both on par there. The 60th year anniversary gift is a diamond. I noticed that the traditional goes by a more economic scale. After 15 years,… Continue reading 9 Years Down, 51 to Go
Tag: Eve
RACE: Enter Personal Politics
We went to Athens’ Athica art gallery to see the RACE show. It’s a bit of an anti-whitey display, but I’m not going to say that the white man hasn’t done some malicious racial activities in the past and present. I’m sure that it will continue into the future, possibly as a result of displays… Continue reading RACE: Enter Personal Politics
Just One More Level
I got to sleep this morning a bit after 3:00. It could have been a little closer to 4:00 than I’m admitting to, but that just sounds idotic to me. I was awake all night engaged heavily in a hopeful search for more experience, money, and adventure. No – I’m not a successful entrepreneur, I’m… Continue reading Just One More Level
Back to the Sea, Vermin
I’m sure everyone has seen the large pipe pumping New Orleans’ water back into the ocean from whence it came. I wonder about all the contaminates they’re reporting. Are we just pumping them back out to sea, or is the water being filtered? If it is being filtered, how? That’s a marvel many would like… Continue reading Back to the Sea, Vermin
1,200 Years of Perseverance
1,200 years ago an acorn pushed a pale tendril into the sunlight to begin its adventure. Today, the resulting ancient Live Oak Tree resides partly sumberged in 5-feet of water in Louisiana. A tree like this might live a couple of weeks in these conditions; Oak Trees drown rather quickly in floods. However, the Louisiana… Continue reading 1,200 Years of Perseverance
DragonCon Wrap-Up
As you travel life’s highways, stop and smell the roses…and get a piercing. That’s the advice Con’rs heard, anyway. DragonCon is, as of recent years, a five day event including labor day. The event takes place in Atlanta within the Marriott Marquis and Hyatt hotels (registration was actually taken care of in the Hilton this… Continue reading DragonCon Wrap-Up
A Black Spot in the Road
When I was younger, sometime in my Jr. High School days, I got myself into situations of remarkable trouble. One particular spot in my past that haunts me to this day is in regards to my activities as a teenage marauder. My friends and I used to go out late and night and into the… Continue reading A Black Spot in the Road
BlackBerry Cobbler
As I’ve grown up in varying parts of Georgia, one thing remained absolutely constant; blackberries. They’re in south Georgia and north Georgia. They grow vigorously regardless of what pain you can submit them to. My mom makes the best blackberry cobbler in the world. I haven’t had it in sometime now (hint, hint), but I’m… Continue reading BlackBerry Cobbler
I Wish I Bought Electric
Gas is out of control. I’m waiting for siphoners and car-jackers to rise into the norm. I told my wife to be wary of how she leaves her car in order that she not create an easy target. She locked my car doors for me last night at the house. It’s not something we usually… Continue reading I Wish I Bought Electric
Pod People
Yesterday, Amy and I spent the whole day doing Chewbacca pictures for the upcoming DragonCon art show. I think this year’s project is going to be really great! Earlier in the morning, I had a doctor’s appointment to attend to. While I was there, I took the opportunity to ask April, the lady I usually… Continue reading Pod People