TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED, for short. Where the most innovative, brilliant people of our time talk on issues that are important to the world. TED began back in 1984 and represented those three concepts; technology, entertainment, and design. Since then, the genres have expanded, but the goal remains the same. Once a year…1,000 remarkable… Continue reading TED – Ideas Worth Spreading

Quandries of the American English Dialect

ar·chi·tect (är’kĭ-tĕkt’) n. One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures. One that plans or devises: a country considered to be the chief architect of war in the Middle East. [Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitektōn : arkhi-, archi- + tektōn, builder.] At some point (I believe within my lifetime), the… Continue reading Quandries of the American English Dialect

4-Wheel Disc Brakes

If you’re about to do your first set of 4-wheel disc brakes, read this first! I’ll save you some frustration and a sore hand. My 2005 Mazda3 was up for new brakes and that’s the kind of work I will do myself. What I didn’t realize was that rear wheel disc brakes involve some fanciness… Continue reading 4-Wheel Disc Brakes

Threadless Submission

Threadless is a Web 2.0 application involving all the standard components of a social web system and a really attractive product offering to get things going. They sell T-shirts, but not just any T-shirts…your T-shirts! It works by users submitting T-shirt designs or slogans and other members rating those ideas. If you should win, and… Continue reading Threadless Submission

Women’s Jeans Suck

For Christmas this year I decided to go in over my head and do some shopping for women’s jeans for my wife. I took the advice of several other females – some at work, personal friends, and family. I learned a volume about women’s fashion designs and the marketing evil behind it. I also learned… Continue reading Women’s Jeans Suck

Bring on the Cold, Bring on the Fire

Winter is here and although it doesn’t exactly feel like it at the moment, I am nevertheless preparing a man-size fire pit in the backyard to enjoy during the crisp nights. Nothings says relaxing like sitting around a big fire outside and burning yard scraps. The whole design is based around a 6’x3′ piece of… Continue reading Bring on the Cold, Bring on the Fire

Acoustical Drum Design Principles

Amy and I were talking recently about me getting into drum construction. We’ve talked about it before, but I’m not exactly sure how to get started. After a conversation Sunday, my mind began working on some concepts to get me started. What I’ve come up with is a desire to redesign the drum (traditional styles… Continue reading Acoustical Drum Design Principles

Dragon*Con 2006: Day 3

Sunday was our big day at DragonCon. It is usually a pretty eventful day for the conference itself, and we were looking forward to the Masquerade later, followed by drumming. Speaking of drumming, it’s 4:00am and we’ve just arrived home from the Hyatt where we beat the night away. We had a real good time… Continue reading Dragon*Con 2006: Day 3

Improving a Working Process

Why would anybody engineer a toilet that works like this? It has been done – I’ve seen pictures! But why?!? I believe this is a good candidate for Darren’s Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness. I do like the apparent pleasure a segregated movement brings the man in the first picture. I think more than anything,… Continue reading Improving a Working Process

Celestial Studios Site Update

I just recently finished updating my wife’s website for her photography/art business downtown. The new design is a far cry from the old, and now works in more than one browser 🙂 It was ridiculous actually that it took me as long as it did to get around to re-designing it, but she really liked… Continue reading Celestial Studios Site Update