A Digitally Revolutionized Legacy

In association to an article at darrenbarefoot.com, I was reminded of a topic I’ve brought up before (with little success in exciting anyone). We’re beginning a new era of the “Digitally Revolutionized Legacy,” but it’s not us – Generation X – as first thought. No, the new era starts with our children. I would say… Continue reading A Digitally Revolutionized Legacy

Win XP Starter Edition Images

NeoWin.net informs us of a new edition of Windows XP (though I’m certain there were other more official sources), the Starter Edition (SE). SE is an ambiguous cloud of hype that many industries implore. It could be anything from “Second Edition” to “Special Edition” or “Sales Executive.” By maintaining the “SE” non-clarification however, a company… Continue reading Win XP Starter Edition Images

Rhythm Downtown

Yet another successful night of drumming on the square in Gainesville. We had a great crowd tonight, and continued to see new people right up until we left. As my friend, David, pointed out, I have been up now for 19 hours. He wasn’t too sure that I’d have the drive to complete a long… Continue reading Rhythm Downtown

The Device that Rocks the Cradle

Gary Cho invented the “Caring Cot” that potentially allows parents to get the entire night’s sleep. As a relatively new parent myself, the concept of more than a few hours of sleep at a time was just inconceivable for the first several months. We’ve gotten a little better at ignoring the minor sounds of a… Continue reading The Device that Rocks the Cradle

Dynamic Header @ 1976design.com

I’m deeply inspired by the efforts of Dunstan Orchard and friends in the development of a dynamic banner on his webpage. A friend of mine, Sean, pointed this site out to me. You just simply have to read the description, but here’s an excerpt: The sheep alternate their positions every other day, and also respond… Continue reading Dynamic Header @ 1976design.com

The Epitome of Disgusting Males

We traveled out to my mom’s place, Dancing Goat’s Farm, for the day. There we visited with her and my grandmother and her sister. They’re “refugees of Hurricane Ivan” as Gwen (my grand aunt) put it. At any rate, my mom enlightened us to the behavior of a male goat with a field of female… Continue reading The Epitome of Disgusting Males

Zero-G Flights now Departing from Local Airports

Zero-G is the first company to offer a 0-gravity experience to non-astronauts. I don’t know that that is such a good idea, but I’m all for it personally. The company is on a tour where they’ll offer these flights for about $3,000.00 in airports such as L.A., New York, and Atlanta. The package cost gets… Continue reading Zero-G Flights now Departing from Local Airports