April Showers

They say April showers bring May flowers. In the case I witnessed this morning, the showers came in the form of snow and May’s flowers were a bit stunted. What kind of bizarre turn of events is this?!? Yesterday, Amy and I worked our booths at the “Art on the Square” festival in Gainesville. It… Continue reading April Showers

Your News Updates

Flickr has announced their new pricing it appears. The price is reduced a tad, but moreover the benefits have increased. Free accounts can now upload twice as much as before and you can show 200 images rather than the previous limit of 100. That’s very cool! Flickr Link. In other news, Adobe purchased Macromedia for… Continue reading Your News Updates

Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

The picture says it all. Imagine our pretty blue planet encrusted with a garbage belt. Perhaps one day we’ll have rings the size of Saturn’s, though still just garbage. This is the sort of thing, I believe, that will continue to be a major hurdle for commercial space programs. Sure, NASA can watch the orbital… Continue reading Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

Reminiscing Illness of Yonder Years

When I was in grammar school and sick, my mom would set me up with a bunch of Bob Hope “Road to…” shows or some Abbott and Costello films to keep me entertained throughout the day. I also enjoyed the taste of Saltines, chicken soup, and lemon-lime Gatorade. To this day, I’m mostly unwilling to… Continue reading Reminiscing Illness of Yonder Years

BoingBoing TidBits

Via BoingBoing, we learn of the Watsui Cow’s rather well-endowed head. Link Suprisingly, there’s very little information discovered about the watsui cattle through a quick google.com search. I also checked the Wikipedia, but nothing there either. I’d write something if only I had found a relevant source. Also, this rather funny sign:

Hiding Spot #104

My wife, Amy, called today in a panic asking, “did you take off Balthazar’s shoes last night…where are they?” I realized that shoes would still be in my car, where he took them off himself yesterday evening. The problem is that all of Balthazar’s shoes went missing yesterday or the day before, and the only… Continue reading Hiding Spot #104

The Ancients Knew

Space.com is showing us satellite pictures (from space, no less!) of ancient sites significant to extraterrestial matters. It’s fascinating to read about civilizations long before ours that understood the sun’s movement around us. That is, I’m pretty sure that the people of yore did not grasp the concept of a heliocentric solar system. It was… Continue reading The Ancients Knew