MadLib Biographies: Longhand

This morning, I opened a letter from my mom – snail mail, not email. It’s unusual to get personal letters when there are no holidays or birthdays in sight, so I was a little apprehensive of this one. As I unfolded the sheets of paper from the envelop, I could see that what I had… Continue reading MadLib Biographies: Longhand

BoingBoing Tidbits

BoingBoing was particularly informative yesterday. I learned of the Lapjuicer, a chair designed for lapdancers to make juice. I found the invention completely vile, but found myself wondering if there was really a request for that in the community. I haven’t asked anybody yet, but you can let me know if you have a fancy… Continue reading BoingBoing Tidbits

Bullseye: Deep Impact Slams Into Comet

The Deep Impact project was a complete success. One might think it an easy task to send a bullet the size of a little European auto into a wall the size of Manhattan (at about 100x faster than a standard bullet), but I’m guessing the logistics are a bit more taxing. Anyone doing any missle… Continue reading Bullseye: Deep Impact Slams Into Comet

Something Wickèd this Way Comes…

In a particularly sinister plan led by one North American Hornet Saturday, my assassination was attempted in vain. I was minding my own business and mowing the lawn when a humming bird-sized hornet leapt from hiding and sniped me. Fortunately, my ninja reflexes allowed my life to be spared and I received the wound on… Continue reading Something Wickèd this Way Comes…

The Sneeze – Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.

“It was time for the white. Wine tasters refer to a wine’s aroma as its ‘nose.’ This wine’s nose was a rectum.” Amy turned me onto this evening. This site it so perfectly a match for my humor. I quickly browsed the site’s ‘toys’ with my wife with great delight. I’ve now read a… Continue reading The Sneeze – Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.


I’m involved in a comment thread with another Flickr user involving the appropriateness of an image I’m displaying for all the world to see. Being a father and an artist, my perspective is somewhat jaded on the issue. As compared to an advertisement strategy of Calvin Klein’s where young children are poised in their underwear,… Continue reading **Censored**


Tuesday I transform into Chewbacca for a gig at Lakeshore Mall in Gainesville. There will be three other Star Wars characters there as well, and Jeff is putting it all together. It looks like I’m going to have a good time, though slightly claustrophobic and dehydrated. I tried the suit on for fit and it’s… Continue reading Chew-laf


BoingBoing tells me about a very clever play on “Monopoly” for the blogoshpere. Everyone has their own version, so it was only a matter of time. Now if only someone would print up the board to play on. You’d have to work out some sort of way to use RSS subscribers as the monetary unit.… Continue reading Blogpoly