Commuter Blues

For those of you who commute, this is an all too familiar problem to you. It took me slightly more than two hours to get to work this morning. This is ridiculous, perhaps not to some, but to me. It’s only thirty-seven miles from my doorstep to my chair, and it takes between one and… Continue reading Commuter Blues

Dragon*Con – Sunday

We finally returned home this morning around 4:00am. I don’t remember the last time I was out that late – probably when I was in school. We had a killer time. The masquerade was, as always, better than last year’s. The costumers continue to better themselves and put together amazing works. We’re wondering what happens… Continue reading Dragon*Con – Sunday

DoJ Probes for Pirates

“‘The execution of today’s warrants disrupted an extensive peer-to-peer network suspected of enabling users to traffic illegally in music, films, software and published works,’ Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a statement. ‘The Department of Justice is committed to enforcing intellectual property laws, and we will pursue those who steal copyrighted materials even when they… Continue reading DoJ Probes for Pirates

Darren’s Laughable State of Personal Computing

“The computer industry’s track record is just shameful. In what other area of our consumer life would we accept ‘buggy’ products that only work some of the time? If your car (assuming it wasn’t a jalopy), tennis racket or can of Coke failed regularly, you’d be pretty upset. Yet, the software industry has failed to… Continue reading Darren’s Laughable State of Personal Computing

Satyr Costuming

Amy is working on a photography project for DragonCon 2004. I don’t want to give anything away before the gallery is opened, but I’ve provided some pictures of our costuming efforts on me. I tend to get dressed as a satyr with some frequency, so I’m getting used to it. Satyr – Wikipedia, the free… Continue reading Satyr Costuming

More Room for my Junk

I just recently purchased two Maxtor 120GB drives (ATA/133, 8MB Cache) and some CoolerMaster CoolDrive 3’s. I’m very excited about getting them installed! I plan to use RAID 1 on the drives to work with video projects for clients. The CoolDrive 3’s look really sweet with their blue-glowing front bezels.


Fever is a funny thing. Your body induces fever to fight off a variety of infections or illnesses. Apparently, a region in your brain, the hypothalamus, handles the regulation of your body temperature, but particular kinds of illness will set your hypothalamus at a higher level. This is from molecules in your blood called pyrogens.… Continue reading Fever

MSI 3.0 (Update)

I finished the class Microsoft presented on MSI 3.0. It’s interesting stuff, but if you’re used to such things as RPM, it’s just catching up. Microsoft does have a nice feature coming out that is targeted to assist the gaming community. This new feature allows the original MSI installer to apply a certificate to the… Continue reading MSI 3.0 (Update)

The Honda Experience (Finale)

We brought our trade-in to Honda this evening to finalize our documentation. The grounds for this, of course, were to clear up our misunderstanding about purchase price swap-outs. After talking with the General Manager, Lee Thompson, I was very speedily taken care of and the paperwork was rewritten to show an adjustment (based on my… Continue reading The Honda Experience (Finale)