The boy, Balthazar, is doing well in his young years. He had his first all-nighter party this evening. We took a trip out to Isi’s (Missy’s) for their girl’s 1st birthday. It wasn’t until 9:30 that we finally arrived, but by 12:00 when we left, Balthazar was going strong. He seemed to enjoy himself. Between… Continue reading Resiliency
Tag: GA
Japanese Hornets Slaughter Bees
If you weren’t concerned with hornets before, now you’re vomiting from fear.
Drunken Goat Cheese
In what could very well be a new *thing*, I’ve indulged in a new cheese never before known to my palate. It was Isi’s (soon to have a linkable blog) inspiration that got me to do this. That is, Isi talked about a “Tour de Cheese” to have a chance at trying lots of different… Continue reading Drunken Goat Cheese
How I Work
The longest amount of time spent, and time I am unable to account for, is research. Depending on the topic, I may spend a week pouring through as many references I can find on a particular subject to get a real good feel for the information. If I don’t require reference material as I write, it goes much quicker.
Falun Gong Cultivation
I recently saw the BODIES exhibit, where it is rumored that the cadavers on display are actually those of the Falun Gong. Could be. But I don’t compare this to ivory blackmarket trade. The prisoners are being executed regardless of whether or not people are buying organs and bodies.
Runny Nose, Anyone?
Spring is great, but I seem to forget that it means one of the hardest times for my allergies…ever! I was doing okay at first, but as of tonight I’m feeling pretty miserable from a stuffy head and chest. I spread Vic’s all over my chest and throat, but that’s just not cutting it. Lucky… Continue reading Runny Nose, Anyone?
BODIES: The Exhibition (Wrap-Up)
Not being a medical student, I can’t begin to fully appreciate what I saw, but I can say that I would never have otherwise been able to examine cadavers as I did here.
BODIES, The Exhibition (Atlanta)
Tomorrow evening we’re heading out to BODIES, The Exhibition at the Atlanta Civic Center. I only just heard about it from the co-workers Friday, but it really sounded like something right up my alley. It’s being marketed as an artistic presentation of human anatomy. The models are made from human cadavers, and then preserved using… Continue reading BODIES, The Exhibition (Atlanta)
Heritage Family Library
The Heritage Family Library sent me the Young Peoples’ Atlas in the mail recently. This is one of those books that they ask for money in order to put your name in them, thereby granting you some imagined fame. It infuriates me that they’ve sent a product to my doorstep, telling me nothing about it,… Continue reading Heritage Family Library
We got Sprung
Today marks the beginning of Spring and it’s somewhat rainy and cool. Not a bad way to start spring, though we were given a week’s warmth and sunshine that makes this change a little sour. Yesterday was my son’s birthday party, and it happened to be overcast and cool. Could’ve been better, but you just… Continue reading We got Sprung