Curtains for Bonny

Bonny, my `94 Pontiac Bonneville, finally kicked the bucket yesterday on my drive home. I’ve written about her recently – about an accident for which I still have not secured any funds for due to a State Patrol officer’s form-filling failure (damn you!). She was unable to deliver me home on this last trip; she… Continue reading Curtains for Bonny

Latest Reality Series Coming from Gov

As the latest Titan rocket launches into the atmosphere soon, the government’s plans of the greatest world-wide reality series near completion. If guesses are correct, this is part of the LACROSSE initiative that gives our government the ability to monitor pretty much the whole world, sub-terra and all. It allows them to see things down… Continue reading Latest Reality Series Coming from Gov

Yogurt, You Deceptive Wench

Why does my yogurt come with a clear-plastic, hard cover? Is there anyone out there that can’t actually finish their yogurt in one sitting? Is that the conspiracy behind the “yogurt is healthy” ad-campaigns? Yogurt is healthy if you finish it in two sittings. No one can actually eat the whole thing in one sitting.… Continue reading Yogurt, You Deceptive Wench

April Showers

They say April showers bring May flowers. In the case I witnessed this morning, the showers came in the form of snow and May’s flowers were a bit stunted. What kind of bizarre turn of events is this?!? Yesterday, Amy and I worked our booths at the “Art on the Square” festival in Gainesville. It… Continue reading April Showers

The Vagina Monologues

My wife will be hosting The Vagina Monologues soon at her studio in downtown Gainesville. If you’re unfamiliar with the title, you’re living underneath a rock somewhere in a dark cave. The monologue started in the basement of the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York. Today, it has been put on by celebrities and colleges… Continue reading The Vagina Monologues

Still Waiting for Adobe Reader to Load?

For all of you that have asked, here’s a link on how you make Adobe’s Reader 7.0 load faster: Jonathan Hardwick: How to make Adobe Reader 7.0 load faster He’s a done an excellent job of explaining the process, but I’ll summarize for you here. Adobe Reader 7.0 Optimizer Edit –> Preferences General: Disable “Automatically… Continue reading Still Waiting for Adobe Reader to Load?

Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

The picture says it all. Imagine our pretty blue planet encrusted with a garbage belt. Perhaps one day we’ll have rings the size of Saturn’s, though still just garbage. This is the sort of thing, I believe, that will continue to be a major hurdle for commercial space programs. Sure, NASA can watch the orbital… Continue reading Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure

With TV cameras banned from the court, Sky News is recreating each day’s events using court transcripts and carefully selected actors. Granted, Edward Moss is no virgin to playing Michael Jackson (excuse the pun), but it does seem a little odd that Sky is doing this. Judge Judy is one thing, but this is an… Continue reading Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure