The Beginner’s Guide to Business Blogging

If you don’t frequent, you probably should. They play host to many a free resource for the techno-exec style white paper. I recently read through The Beginner’s Guide to Business Blogging, which was actually a good read cover to cover (as most of their guides are). The topics covered helped me with my personal… Continue reading The Beginner’s Guide to Business Blogging

A Considerate Computer

Microsoft Research tells us about some intelligent software able to make decisions on availability versus message importance. The workforce potentially loses lots of productive time attending to unimportant emails. Worse still, unimportant messages can cut into personal time. This system is designed to do the human part of risk analysis in order to determine whether… Continue reading A Considerate Computer

First Impressions

My efforts to stay awake and finish my presentation Monday night were thwarted by constant head-nodding. Eventually, I gave up – my copy and paste actions were getting depressingly sloppy – and went to bed. I assumed that by getting to bed at a reasonable hour, I could wake up early and finish the slide… Continue reading First Impressions

I Eat Yellow Foods

It turns out that I really enjoy eating in mom & pop establishments. I sort of always knew that, but didn’t think about it much. They’re often times more expensive than bigger chains, but for what they lack in economy, they gain in service and dining pleasure. You also get a warm, fuzzy knowing that… Continue reading I Eat Yellow Foods

Verizon Contracts

Below is my conversation with the support people at Verizon Wireless. Although I have enjoyed their coverage and general network quality, I hate service contracts. You have to agree to them (if not, you pay over-inflated prices) and they never actually work for you. They’re designed exclusively to aid the service provider. How is this… Continue reading Verizon Contracts

Legacy Services

Has anyone ever thought of setting up a service to exchange email to standard postal mail? It would cost, of course, at least the value of a stamp an envelope. Maybe you could even handle attachments and print them out to go along. I think it’s an interesting service that is needed by a small-ish… Continue reading Legacy Services

Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”

Viruses plague MSN, service interruptions for IM’ers PayPal learns the meaning of ‘change control’ when a development error costs them days of business and customer loyalty (still not working, by the way) War in the Middle East Superman dead (this time for real) RIAA sues everyone America can’t decide between an indecisive, anti-war veteran and… Continue reading Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”

Bathroom Etiquette

This should probably be a meme if it isn’t already (note to self…). I have a list of things I would like to post in regards to bathroom etiquette. Please follow these simple guidelines when in my presence. *Do NOT* talk to me whilst I piddle or poo. Talking to me during a piddle is… Continue reading Bathroom Etiquette

A Chat with Microsoft

Today I sat with Julius B., a SQL guru with Microsoft, and discussed the implications of the OpenSource movement with him. This is an interesting conversation to have with a Microsoft goon, but a good one nonetheless. His take on OpenSource was familiar; that without corporate backing and support, there can be no consistency in… Continue reading A Chat with Microsoft