It’s Sunday and I’m the first to wake up at the Gradin household – it’s been 30 minutes and I’m still the only one awake. Those of you with small children will probably recoil in shock with me on this. Balthazar has always been the one to wake me between 6:30am and 8:00am on the… Continue reading One for the Record
Tag: sleep
Happy Thanksgiving
It’s that time of year again when Americans join family to gorge and sleep…in that order. There’s also the ceremonial loosening of the belt to make things comfortable. It’s also at this time of year that I hear a lot of people complaining about spending time with family. I’m thankful to not have such an… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving
More Drumming Than You Can Imagine
Over the last two days, I’ve drummed for 12 hours. I did an 8-hour session for charity when my wife put together a fund-raiser Saturday. I don’t know how much money we raised, but I think she did pretty well for the amount of time she had to do it in. Needless to say, that… Continue reading More Drumming Than You Can Imagine
It Always Makes Sense to Me
Others can attest to this, but when I become drunk with sleep, I talk gibberish. I’m sure many people do this, but my gibberish is unique in that it always makes total sense to me just as I formulate the idea and up until the moment the words form in my mouth. It’s, unfortunately, at… Continue reading It Always Makes Sense to Me
RACE: Enter Personal Politics
We went to Athens’ Athica art gallery to see the RACE show. It’s a bit of an anti-whitey display, but I’m not going to say that the white man hasn’t done some malicious racial activities in the past and present. I’m sure that it will continue into the future, possibly as a result of displays… Continue reading RACE: Enter Personal Politics
Just One More Level
I got to sleep this morning a bit after 3:00. It could have been a little closer to 4:00 than I’m admitting to, but that just sounds idotic to me. I was awake all night engaged heavily in a hopeful search for more experience, money, and adventure. No – I’m not a successful entrepreneur, I’m… Continue reading Just One More Level
Humanoid Resources
It is a continued struggle with my logical mind to deal with Human Resources. It doesn’t matter what company it is, Human Resources is the quintessential inefficiency expert. That must be the only private sector area in which the government still reigns on high. The formalities requires to interact with Human Resources are mind-boggling. You… Continue reading Humanoid Resources
Book 6 of the Harry Potter Saga
Tonight (tomorrow morning, technically), book 6 of Rowling’s Potter epic is released. I’ve heard that some people released early today and that many are taking this information quite badly. Amy and I will be at Chapter 11 books in Gainesville for some hoopla surrounding this event. We’re taking care of pictures, and getting a copy… Continue reading Book 6 of the Harry Potter Saga
Atlanta Flickr Group: Celestial Studios
The Atlanta Flickr Group attended an informal studio lighting seminar my wife put on at her studio in Gainesville, Celestial Studios. Thank you to everyone that was able to come to that. I think it went quite well and gave something to everyone to play with in the future. I’d love it if the group… Continue reading Atlanta Flickr Group: Celestial Studios
Good Morning, Sunday
As I write this, I’m winding down to sleep after a strenuous day. I played in Athens today at Kidsfest as mentioned previously. Although no longer or hotter than last year, we were in greater demand this year. We played almost 5 hours continuously. That’s a lot of skin slapping, and we were all beat.… Continue reading Good Morning, Sunday