First Time on the Mazda

This weekend was a fun-filled one in which Balthazar was introduced to automotive repair. He really enjoyed it, which means at age 6 not only will he be mowing the lawn, he’ll be changing my oil too. My goal was to replace all of my brake pads this weekend; a goal, which in reality, turned… Continue reading First Time on the Mazda

A Message from Balthazar

Balthazar wrote me a nice message this morning. His first, I believe. I think he intended for me to post it here, so here’s Balthazar’s first blog post: Etrosekwekd oiddf.k5rotipskdr4;t,lr.erfr;;;ewk .ir9roi3eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeekkeo3i4o eeeeeeeeeiooooooei3 wlp rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ekrs/d.ðw’ré 444444444444444444444444 pél5[p4 4r’r 4rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Talladega Nights

We watched Talladega Nights Sunday evening and were pleased, at least, that we chose to pay the reduced matinee price. Maybe I’ve outgrown the comedic pratfall and slapstick routines of Larry, Moe, and Curly, but I’d like to think that Talladega Nights just wasn’t that funny. My wife and I decided that it was probably… Continue reading Talladega Nights

Java Log

When first presented with the idea of a java log, one may summon visions of bad dietary intake resulting in compacted bowels and inevitably, the java log. That is not the case and I beg you to stick around to discover the beauty behind what you just thought might very well be a fecal fantasy.… Continue reading Java Log

Federal Bureau of Inefficiency

A romantic notion in the recesses of my mind really loves the F.B.I., C.I.A., and the like. I like spy novels. I like James Bond. I like super heroes fighting super villans. However, the real world of federal investigative services is far different than the portrayal delivered through metaphor and myth. I read today in… Continue reading Federal Bureau of Inefficiency

Newness at MARTA

We’ve ridden MARTA a couple times over the last couple weekends and noticed quite a bit of awesome new technology. They’ve traded the old turnstile gates in for Star Trek fanciness. The best improvement made was to the ticketing system. The new system allows you to buy your passes (the Breeze Pass) with cash or… Continue reading Newness at MARTA

The Family Portrait

If you’ll focus you’re attention to the bottom of the page, you can see what humors me at nearly 2:00am. It has been a while now since I’ve played with my tablet (an electronic writing pen device for those who don’t know) and I don’t know why. I’m working up some new theme ideas in… Continue reading The Family Portrait

Prison Love

My good friend, A. (for Anonymous), was recently the target of a very strange package indeed. Being a female and having some public recognition, she is apparently an ideal target for some pen-pal romance from beyond the gates of prison. The package came to her work place, where the perp. knew he could reach her.… Continue reading Prison Love

Awareness Training from the Gov

If you’ve become a radiation mutant with a deformed hand, remember to close the window. No one wants to see that shit. The U.S. government wants to teach its citizens about the threats and remediation measures necessary during a terrorist attack. To do so, they’re built to help out the American people. I can… Continue reading Awareness Training from the Gov