My Wife, the Spaz

This evening, having spent the evening hosting “The Vagina Monologues,” my wife and I enjoyed Taco Bell for dinner. For some reason, Amy insists on ordering to-go foods that can’t possibly be eaten to-go without ramifications. Tonight, she got a big pile of nachos with all the fixin’s for the road. About half-way through the… Continue reading My Wife, the Spaz

Your News Updates

Flickr has announced their new pricing it appears. The price is reduced a tad, but moreover the benefits have increased. Free accounts can now upload twice as much as before and you can show 200 images rather than the previous limit of 100. That’s very cool! Flickr Link. In other news, Adobe purchased Macromedia for… Continue reading Your News Updates

Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

The picture says it all. Imagine our pretty blue planet encrusted with a garbage belt. Perhaps one day we’ll have rings the size of Saturn’s, though still just garbage. This is the sort of thing, I believe, that will continue to be a major hurdle for commercial space programs. Sure, NASA can watch the orbital… Continue reading Accident Involving American/Chinese – No Casulaties

New Recruits

Carlos Rivera and I have both been trying to recruit additional members into the blogosphere. At present, we’re working on pressuring a fellow car-pooler, David C., and a co-worker, Marc W. Each of them have some assemblage of a web site already, but you and I know that excuse is lame. Besides, I don’t think… Continue reading New Recruits

St. Patrick’s Day at Meehan’s

Amy, I, and Balthazar all went to Meehan’s this evening to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It was an excellent venue for the event, though it was pretty much standing room only. If it seems a bit odd to bring a two-year-old to an ale house, it is. However, Meehan’s catered to all until 8:00pm on… Continue reading St. Patrick’s Day at Meehan’s

Greetings from A Far Away Land

It’s sort of funny – that me and have sort of a meme on this. If you read the post from my birthday, you’ll know I randomly wished people “Happy Birthday” in the blogosphere on my birthday. It turns out that it was very rewarding, socially speaking. I made some people’s days, and got… Continue reading Greetings from A Far Away Land

Car Shopping…Again

I do this periodically just in case my car should fail miserably one day, which it should any day. I currently have a 1994 Pontiac Bonneville with 196k miles on it. That’s pretty good for an American car, even if it is a luxury sedan. I’m really excited by the Mazda3, 5-door. On the same… Continue reading Car Shopping…Again

The Future Belongs to Chimeras

Folks are crossing animal and human genes to produce chimeras now. The goal is twofold. One; to develop stem cells for human organs without the illegal practice of stem cell harvesting in humans. Two; to monitor human development without dissecting people on the streets. From those perspectives, it seems like a good thing. Our history… Continue reading The Future Belongs to Chimeras

Same-Sex Marriage (Speaking of Faith)

I listened to “Speaking of Faith” this evening on NPR. The program was about same-sex marriages and the opinions of two Evangelical Christians. I was able to hear the first, Richard Mouw, before I retired from my car in the driveway. It was probably one of the best discussions I’ve heard of this nature. Mouw… Continue reading Same-Sex Marriage (Speaking of Faith)