Über-Aggressive Lemmings

Those of you who know me, know that I’m a very tolerant guy.  There are, however, a few things that I just despise. On my way home last night, I encountered the most loathsome of my pet-peeves (maybe not the most, but at the time it was).  Having driven through stormy weather from work, I… Continue reading Über-Aggressive Lemmings

Time Well Spent

Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent

Legacy Services

Has anyone ever thought of setting up a service to exchange email to standard postal mail? It would cost, of course, at least the value of a stamp an envelope. Maybe you could even handle attachments and print them out to go along. I think it’s an interesting service that is needed by a small-ish… Continue reading Legacy Services


So I’m working on a new project called, “webdev|Live!” The idea is that a group of web developers get together and blog the unfolding saga of web design. The process, when followed to completion, should render a sort of instant whitepaper. I’m hoping it pans out, but for now it’s just useful in allowing Sean… Continue reading webdev|Live!

Ex-Con’s Seen in Bar

Today, there are at least four people that wish they had stayed in bed this morning. Three of them probably wished they were dead too. 5:00am came earlier than normal this morning when my alarm (cell phone) jolted me out of my comfortability. Last night, I joined three friends at Wild Wing Cafe in Suwanee… Continue reading Ex-Con’s Seen in Bar

A Digitally Revolutionized Legacy

In association to an article at darrenbarefoot.com, I was reminded of a topic I’ve brought up before (with little success in exciting anyone). We’re beginning a new era of the “Digitally Revolutionized Legacy,” but it’s not us – Generation X – as first thought. No, the new era starts with our children. I would say… Continue reading A Digitally Revolutionized Legacy

Win XP Starter Edition Images

NeoWin.net informs us of a new edition of Windows XP (though I’m certain there were other more official sources), the Starter Edition (SE). SE is an ambiguous cloud of hype that many industries implore. It could be anything from “Second Edition” to “Special Edition” or “Sales Executive.” By maintaining the “SE” non-clarification however, a company… Continue reading Win XP Starter Edition Images

The Hive Group’s Google Search

The Hive Group has created an excellent display of their technology. They’ve integrated their incredible data array handling with Google’s search technology. Together, you get exhaustive searches displayed reasonably (and variably) on one screen. No need to click through multiple pages of Google results!