Sec. 6-9-6. Fortunetellers, clairvoyants and the like banned; advertising prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice for pay, advertise, or distribute advertising, for the occupation of being a fortuneteller, palmist, clairvoyant, phrenologist, reader of spiritualism, astrologer, or any occupation by whatever name called, professing ability to foretell future events by any means… Continue reading Gainesville Closes Door to the Occult
Tag: cover
Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs
I thought I invented the word metaphysiology just now. Meta- being the state of something being in an advanced or super state, physique/physical representing the anatomy, and finally -ology being the study of. Together that gives you the “scientific study of superhuman qualities or powers.” Alas, the New Age folks have already taken the word… Continue reading Metaphysiology: My Word, not Theirs
The Lineup so Far (Solar System 2.0 Beta)
In case you’ve missed the news, the astronomical community is currently reworking our solar system after some new information and a bit of a debate. While God may or may not have created our universe in 7 days, it has taken 2ΒΌ centuries thus far to flesh out the solar system. Now we’re haggling about… Continue reading The Lineup so Far (Solar System 2.0 Beta)
Java Log
When first presented with the idea of a java log, one may summon visions of bad dietary intake resulting in compacted bowels and inevitably, the java log. That is not the case and I beg you to stick around to discover the beauty behind what you just thought might very well be a fecal fantasy.… Continue reading Java Log
Federal Bureau of Inefficiency
A romantic notion in the recesses of my mind really loves the F.B.I., C.I.A., and the like. I like spy novels. I like James Bond. I like super heroes fighting super villans. However, the real world of federal investigative services is far different than the portrayal delivered through metaphor and myth. I read today in… Continue reading Federal Bureau of Inefficiency
Prison Love
My good friend, A. (for Anonymous), was recently the target of a very strange package indeed. Being a female and having some public recognition, she is apparently an ideal target for some pen-pal romance from beyond the gates of prison. The package came to her work place, where the perp. knew he could reach her.… Continue reading Prison Love
Blackberry Friends
Don’t you miss the days when your friends were as close as a boy and his blackberry? Those long summer days when you sought out your squishy compadres for their bulbous, inky selves. I sure do. Seeing Balthazar these days really makes me reminescent. … What the $@#%!?! Why does this kid befriend a blackberry?… Continue reading Blackberry Friends
Earth’s Oldest Maw Discovered
The Jenolan Caves have been assessed at 340 million years old, trumping all other cave systems by quite a bit. I’ve visited the Carlsbad Caverns before and was truly amazed at that beauty. I cannot imagine what a 340 million year-old system would look like. Robert Holly of the U.S. Department of the Interior said… Continue reading Earth’s Oldest Maw Discovered
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
I just ordered new tires for the Mazda3. It was a temultuous saga for me that has spanned several weeks now of research and stress. I’m the kind of guy that will research a product to death and still be concerned that I’m not getting the best value for my dollar. Normally, I’ve always just… Continue reading Where the Rubber Meets the Road
In Memory of Douglas Adams (1952 – 2001)
Today is Towel Day throughout the Universe. If you know of and love Douglas Adams, you will wear your towel in reverence of his comedic brilliance. Pictures are everywhere, though Flickr is a good start. And here’s mine. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker)… Continue reading In Memory of Douglas Adams (1952 – 2001)