The Vagina Monologues

My wife will be hosting The Vagina Monologues soon at her studio in downtown Gainesville. If you’re unfamiliar with the title, you’re living underneath a rock somewhere in a dark cave. The monologue started in the basement of the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York. Today, it has been put on by celebrities and colleges… Continue reading The Vagina Monologues

Still Waiting for Adobe Reader to Load?

For all of you that have asked, here’s a link on how you make Adobe’s Reader 7.0 load faster: Jonathan Hardwick: How to make Adobe Reader 7.0 load faster He’s a done an excellent job of explaining the process, but I’ll summarize for you here. Adobe Reader 7.0 Optimizer Edit –> Preferences General: Disable “Automatically… Continue reading Still Waiting for Adobe Reader to Load?

Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure

With TV cameras banned from the court, Sky News is recreating each day’s events using court transcripts and carefully selected actors. Granted, Edward Moss is no virgin to playing Michael Jackson (excuse the pun), but it does seem a little odd that Sky is doing this. Judge Judy is one thing, but this is an… Continue reading Moss Does Jackson for Your Viewing Pleasure

An Artsy Fartsy Weblog: The IF Project

Scott Thigpen has a neat idea running on his blog regarding “The IF Project.” I haven’t read the book of virtually the same title, but I’m interested to do so now. It sounds like it would be a good coffee table book – now to just get a coffee table. “The project is to stir… Continue reading An Artsy Fartsy Weblog: The IF Project

X + Y = Bar Brawl

I’ve spent that last two nights (Friday and Saturday night) playing Fable and Halo2 into the wee hours of the morning. I play on XBOX’s Live service, so there’s a collection of friends I can call upon to game with. It’s addictive sport, if not for the game itself, then the peculiar human interaction within… Continue reading X + Y = Bar Brawl

Schiavo Dies 14 Days After Feeding Tube Removed

It’s all over the news. Schiavo died today from starvation/dehydration 14 days following the disconnection of her feeding tube appartus. reports: “Without liquids, it could take Schiavo two to four weeks to die from dehydration.” I don’t get this though. Upon entering the office today, we began arguing about how long the human body… Continue reading Schiavo Dies 14 Days After Feeding Tube Removed

BoingBoing TidBits

Via BoingBoing, we learn of the Watsui Cow’s rather well-endowed head. Link Suprisingly, there’s very little information discovered about the watsui cattle through a quick search. I also checked the Wikipedia, but nothing there either. I’d write something if only I had found a relevant source. Also, this rather funny sign:

Help Wanted: Space Colonist Need To Be More Than Astronauts

The new Industrial Revolution is coming! In the years to come (and it doesn’t sound far off from the article on, structures based on the moon and other planets will require a unique work aptitude. Many of the same skills will be necessary from our ‘trades’ crafts, though everything will be tweaked to function… Continue reading Help Wanted: Space Colonist Need To Be More Than Astronauts

SMS 2003 Health Check Results (Techie)

The health check was more or less a complete success. We didn’t actually have any real problems in our environment, though we were given some performance tuning options to resolve any that *may* arrive later. That said, the single most important piece of information regarding an SMS 2003 engineering task has been this: “The SPN… Continue reading SMS 2003 Health Check Results (Techie)


I was just insulting a friend at work with the classification of “varmint.” I had actually misspelled it to match the colloquial pronunciation, but I stand corrected. Andy didn’t know of what I was speaking, so the insult fell a bit flat. Upon redirection of his attention from work to more serious matters, I have… Continue reading Vermin