365 Dumps

“It’s been a long time since my output has risen above sea level. This is the benchmark for me” This is probably one of the funnier blogs I’ve seen as of late. When you blog your daily movement, it seems like we’re all just full of crap.

DoJ Probes for Pirates

“‘The execution of today’s warrants disrupted an extensive peer-to-peer network suspected of enabling users to traffic illegally in music, films, software and published works,’ Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a statement. ‘The Department of Justice is committed to enforcing intellectual property laws, and we will pursue those who steal copyrighted materials even when they… Continue reading DoJ Probes for Pirates

Darren’s Laughable State of Personal Computing

“The computer industry’s track record is just shameful. In what other area of our consumer life would we accept ‘buggy’ products that only work some of the time? If your car (assuming it wasn’t a jalopy), tennis racket or can of Coke failed regularly, you’d be pretty upset. Yet, the software industry has failed to… Continue reading Darren’s Laughable State of Personal Computing

Praying Mantis

I find mantids throughout the garden this time of year. I found a particularly large one recently (see photo). They’re fascinating – I think they’re the only insect that can move their head independently from their body. I’m compelled to watch them closely, yet I succumb to spasmodic, violent thrashing if one should attack accidentally… Continue reading Praying Mantis

Satyr Costuming

Amy is working on a photography project for DragonCon 2004. I don’t want to give anything away before the gallery is opened, but I’ve provided some pictures of our costuming efforts on me. I tend to get dressed as a satyr with some frequency, so I’m getting used to it. Satyr – Wikipedia, the free… Continue reading Satyr Costuming

Queer Vampire – Vampires and AIDS

A question came up between friends recently on the topic of AIDS and vampires. For each of the four of us, we all had slightly differing opinons. The four answers were: Ed: The vampire contracts AIDS and dies after getting its first illness *CORRECTION* Ed thought that the vampire would get a cold, but recover… Continue reading Queer Vampire – Vampires and AIDS

Noise Ordinance

Hall County Noise Ordinance: “B. Radios, phonographs, similar devices. The using of, operating of, or permitting to be played, used or operated, any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph or other machine or device for any producing or reproducing of sound in a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring… Continue reading Noise Ordinance

Garden State – Zach Braff Blog

My wife and I saw “Garden State” recently. It was only playing at Phipp’s Plaza for this area, but it was well worth the trip. We both enjoyed the film so much. Zach Braff (Scrub’s) wrote and directed “Garden State,” in which he co-starred with Natalie Portman (Star Wars: Episode I,II). The most interesting aspect… Continue reading Garden State – Zach Braff Blog