Earlier, I said dog days are coming and I meant it. It has taken a while to get everything worked out, but Monday begins something a little different. A friend and I will commit ourselves to eight weeks of dry dog food-eating experimentation for the betterment of mankind. I know you have lot’s of questions,… Continue reading Soylent Green is People, This is Not
Tag: water
I ❤ Squid
I’m infatuated with big squid. In London, they have a 28 footer on display, which I would love to go and see. The fascinating thing about them is their potential for mythic sizes, rarity, and keen hunter abilities. A squid of thirty feet could grab you with its tentacles before you ever saw it at… Continue reading I ❤ Squid
How I Work
The longest amount of time spent, and time I am unable to account for, is research. Depending on the topic, I may spend a week pouring through as many references I can find on a particular subject to get a real good feel for the information. If I don’t require reference material as I write, it goes much quicker.
Ring in the Fall Season
Quite a bit of drumming this month so far. This past weekend I did two engagements; one for Art on the Square on the Gainesville, GA downtown square, and another at Gainesville’s Harvest of Hope celebration for 2005. Art on the Square is an art show held annually at this time of year for the… Continue reading Ring in the Fall Season
Back to the Sea, Vermin
I’m sure everyone has seen the large pipe pumping New Orleans’ water back into the ocean from whence it came. I wonder about all the contaminates they’re reporting. Are we just pumping them back out to sea, or is the water being filtered? If it is being filtered, how? That’s a marvel many would like… Continue reading Back to the Sea, Vermin
1,200 Years of Perseverance
1,200 years ago an acorn pushed a pale tendril into the sunlight to begin its adventure. Today, the resulting ancient Live Oak Tree resides partly sumberged in 5-feet of water in Louisiana. A tree like this might live a couple of weeks in these conditions; Oak Trees drown rather quickly in floods. However, the Louisiana… Continue reading 1,200 Years of Perseverance
Canada Ho!
I’m off to Waterloo tomorrow for a project related to work. I’ve never been to New York or western Canada, so this trip will satisfy both. We’re actually flying into Buffalo and driving from there. If I’m lucky, I’ll catch a glimpse of Niagra Falls on my way, though I don’t know that our trip… Continue reading Canada Ho!
Martian Lake Discoverd: Record Pike Bagged
A nice-sized lake was found on Mars nestled within a 22-mile impact crater. It’s potentially substantial evidence that the sub-surface water on Mars is emitted following a meteor impact. The water is thought to be released and then frozen or evaporated within a short amount of time. This patch exists year-round, despite the fact that… Continue reading Martian Lake Discoverd: Record Pike Bagged
Montezuma’s Revenge
I’m home today with a touch of some digestion pranks my system decided to play on me. It’s a little strange this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often to me than it does. I eat some pretty diverse, and oft raunchy, things. My system is pretty forgiving for all that it’s gone through, really.… Continue reading Montezuma’s Revenge
Gainesville Related to Mayberry
Katie Couric interviews ‘runaway bride’ – TV News – MSNBC.com Fast Eddie points out the Runaway Bride’s story as broken by Katie Couric. I’m not sure if the interview was tonight or sometime later this week, but I probably won’t see it. I’m only interested in the story so that I can talk intelligently at… Continue reading Gainesville Related to Mayberry