I hadn’t paid much attention to Flickr.com to be honest, though I do use it when I think about it. It’s actually an awesome little service with great functionality. Part of me is insanely jealous at the ingenuity behind it. I poked around a bit this evening and discovered the “Groups” features. It’s a lot… Continue reading Flickr Groups
Tag: ice
Über-Aggressive Lemmings
Those of you who know me, know that I’m a very tolerant guy. There are, however, a few things that I just despise. On my way home last night, I encountered the most loathsome of my pet-peeves (maybe not the most, but at the time it was). Having driven through stormy weather from work, I… Continue reading Über-Aggressive Lemmings
Verizon Contracts
Below is my conversation with the support people at Verizon Wireless. Although I have enjoyed their coverage and general network quality, I hate service contracts. You have to agree to them (if not, you pay over-inflated prices) and they never actually work for you. They’re designed exclusively to aid the service provider. How is this… Continue reading Verizon Contracts
Good Friends, Drew and Batinna
Some good friends of mine, Drew and [Ba]Tin[n]a, just had a baby. They already have a boy – eight or nine I think – so they’re not new at this, just rusty. The girl was born by force Monday. She’s 7lb some-odd ounces (pretty much a perfect weight). Drew, in his sleep-deprived state, has either… Continue reading Good Friends, Drew and Batinna
Canon EOS 20D
My wife just picked up a new camera – digital for once. She’s generally opposed to the medium, but I think the competition and my bantering are finally winning her over. The issue, of course, is that she’s a medium-format user and digital cameras are oft-not capable of reproducing images of this caliber. There are… Continue reading Canon EOS 20D
Time Well Spent
Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent
Thanksgiving Day
It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Another one of those holidays that probably only has any significance to Americans. Although this is a time that we’re supposed to be thankful for the things the Indians did for us in allowing helping Pilgrims to survive, we mainly just gorge ourselves with turkey, stuffing (a bread-crumb… Continue reading Thanksgiving Day
Dr. Evil Works for Boeing
NASA pushed an unmanned scramjet to nearly mach 10 recently. The technologies are all new and never before put into effect on a flying vehicles before. NASA has broken the flying speed record twice now. The report says that possible military use in the creation of a bomber could reach anywhere on the planet (surface-level,… Continue reading Dr. Evil Works for Boeing
Legacy Services
Has anyone ever thought of setting up a service to exchange email to standard postal mail? It would cost, of course, at least the value of a stamp an envelope. Maybe you could even handle attachments and print them out to go along. I think it’s an interesting service that is needed by a small-ish… Continue reading Legacy Services
The Big Olaf
Speaking of childhood memories…is anyone reading this in the San Diego, CA area? When I lived there – well before Balboa Park was coined “Pedophile Park” – there was a cool ice cream shack on the beach. I don’t remember the name of the place, but they had “The Big Olaf.” It was a waffle… Continue reading The Big Olaf