Time Well Spent

Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent

Thanksgiving Day

It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Another one of those holidays that probably only has any significance to Americans. Although this is a time that we’re supposed to be thankful for the things the Indians did for us in allowing helping Pilgrims to survive, we mainly just gorge ourselves with turkey, stuffing (a bread-crumb… Continue reading Thanksgiving Day

CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Once believed to have occured approximately 13,000 years ago, new estimates were made to push man’s (homo sapiens) arrival into North America to around 25,000 years ago. This changed yet again when John Topper discovered what appears to be man-made implements several meters below the current Topper site. The radiocarbon date testing pushes these items… Continue reading CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Orkut.com Media: Cure for a Political Hangover

Another good read on Orkut’s new Media section. This one by Mark Ganek on political satire. I’m not the type, but I found this to be profound and entertaining. Ganek beats about the head and shoulders societal tendencies to muck-rake on differences of political party. Though, as seen in his humorous article, it’s hard not… Continue reading Orkut.com Media: Cure for a Political Hangover

Orkut.com Media – The Mission Hipster

You should read this article. It’s a well written piece by a truly gifted writer in California, Jen La Sala. To add to my list of multi-faceted, half-assed abilities, I’d like to be able to write as well as she. “Smoke drifts over from the table of women dressed in black and hot pink, bangs… Continue reading Orkut.com Media – The Mission Hipster

Dr. Evil Works for Boeing

NASA pushed an unmanned scramjet to nearly mach 10 recently. The technologies are all new and never before put into effect on a flying vehicles before. NASA has broken the flying speed record twice now. The report says that possible military use in the creation of a bomber could reach anywhere on the planet (surface-level,… Continue reading Dr. Evil Works for Boeing

Legacy Services

Has anyone ever thought of setting up a service to exchange email to standard postal mail? It would cost, of course, at least the value of a stamp an envelope. Maybe you could even handle attachments and print them out to go along. I think it’s an interesting service that is needed by a small-ish… Continue reading Legacy Services

Childhood Memories

Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robins were the kings of their sweet goodies when I was young. In the late 90’s, Baskin Robins seemed to pretty much vanish. I don’t even think any of the stores I visited at that time had 31 flavors anymore. Later, Brewster’s and Marble Slab showed up to dominate the commercial… Continue reading Childhood Memories


Racquettball is one of those sports you can play by yourself and not look like a loner or worse. Solo basketball games make you look a little like a loner, and one-man football just looks plain silly. The hard part about you-on-you games is the score. I’m not exactly sure how you’re supposed to determine… Continue reading Racquettball

The Incredibles

Amy and I saw The Incredibles last night at the Mall of Georgia. This was a really excellent computer-animated film. If it wasn’t two hours, it was a few minutes longer. The story was very funny; a retired clan of super-heroes is wrenched from their mundane life to wrestle evil foes once again. The non-super… Continue reading The Incredibles