At one time, there was only one crack of choice. Today, products replace the tired old, used goods of yesteryear that were once purchased from the old flame, eBay. eBay still has a place – I still need to sell my warez to unsaavy individuals, but now takes first place in online… Continue reading W00t W00t!
Tag: Book
MadLib Biographies
My friend, Jason D., sent me a chain-letter to fill out and send to a million people for good luck or something. I am against such things, but I like Jason and wish to at least better his luck. Instead of emailing everyone with my MadLib biography, I chose to post it here on my… Continue reading MadLib Biographies
Kung-Fu Kids
Do you like Kung-Fu fighting? Everybody loves Kung-Fu fighting! These bookends are perfect for any bacehlor’s pad. I’m fortunate enough to have a wife that would probably really dig these.
Don’t Panic!
Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is coming to theater’s in live-action glory soon! You may have seen the original movie or read the book (wasn’t there a cartoon also?), but a new movie just seems apt after the abysmal 1982 rendition. Since Adams’ untimely death in 2001, proper reverance has yet to be… Continue reading Don’t Panic! Media – The Mission Hipster
You should read this article. It’s a well written piece by a truly gifted writer in California, Jen La Sala. To add to my list of multi-faceted, half-assed abilities, I’d like to be able to write as well as she. “Smoke drifts over from the table of women dressed in black and hot pink, bangs… Continue reading Media – The Mission Hipster