No Surprise to the Scientologists

village voice \ Disinformation \ Mystery Scientology Theater The ominous tagline in early trailers for the alien invasion blockbuster War of the Worlds was "They’re Already Here" – but any learned Scientologist could have told you that long ago. As you may have heard, WOTW star Tom Cruise is a 20-year veteran of the Church… Continue reading No Surprise to the Scientologists

Good Morning, Sunday

As I write this, I’m winding down to sleep after a strenuous day. I played in Athens today at Kidsfest as mentioned previously. Although no longer or hotter than last year, we were in greater demand this year. We played almost 5 hours continuously. That’s a lot of skin slapping, and we were all beat.… Continue reading Good Morning, Sunday


Last night marked my second attendance with the Atlanta Flickr Group. As a second, it was a first. This particular event was centered around our extension of some southern hospitality to some Flickr-Celebs coming through Atlanta. The Journey, as over-documented by other Flickrites and the journeymen themselves, has covered a lot of U.S. and Canadian… Continue reading atlantastrifest05

Simple, Instrumented, Bullet-Proof

I had an “all-hands” meeting today at CheckFree in which we discussed our division’s strengths and weaknesses. One of the things I gleaned from this was that there is a desire by upper management for solutions to be simple, instrumented, and bullet-proof when they’re handed off. This rings true in many people’s minds, I think.… Continue reading Simple, Instrumented, Bullet-Proof

Welcome to Summer!

While I slept last night, summer crept out onto the lawn and deposited itself. I found it this morning, smothering everything in sight in a moist haze. She’s a sneaky glutton, but we always know she’s coming. Now summer is here and things can start to really warm up. May your longest day be spent… Continue reading Welcome to Summer!

Gainesville Related to Mayberry

Katie Couric interviews ‘runaway bride’ – TV News – Fast Eddie points out the Runaway Bride’s story as broken by Katie Couric. I’m not sure if the interview was tonight or sometime later this week, but I probably won’t see it. I’m only interested in the story so that I can talk intelligently at… Continue reading Gainesville Related to Mayberry

Something Wickèd this Way Comes…

In a particularly sinister plan led by one North American Hornet Saturday, my assassination was attempted in vain. I was minding my own business and mowing the lawn when a humming bird-sized hornet leapt from hiding and sniped me. Fortunately, my ninja reflexes allowed my life to be spared and I received the wound on… Continue reading Something Wickèd this Way Comes…

Happy Father’s Day (cont.)

When I finally got around to a time that I could possibly finish up this post, it was too late. Father’s Day turned out to be exhausting. I did get to play a video game for about 20 minutes. Balthazar and I played “Knights of the Old Republic” on the XBOX – well, Balthazar played… Continue reading Happy Father’s Day (cont.)

Happy Father’s Day

What does a dad do on Father’s Day? My first inclination was to shirk all responsiblity and play games all day. I’m thinking that this is in stark contrast to the role of “father,” so how could I spend “Father’s Day” as a bachelor? So I spend the day as super-dad instead. So far, I’ve… Continue reading Happy Father’s Day

Migratory Blog Patterns

I am preparing to move my blog to a WordPress-based system. I’m very comfortable in WordPress, and I’m very comfortable in I’m very uncomfortable with migrating the site from one to another. I did this a long time ago with pretty good success, but now I have HaloScan comments and TrackBacks to contend with.… Continue reading Migratory Blog Patterns