There is something really awesome about the sound of a helicopter coming up on and passing you. Maybe it’s just the military-style choppers that emit that powerful thunder-clapping with their rotors, or do the news reporters have it too. This morning, a military medical transport (Huey?) flew a few times, low, over the CheckFree campus.… Continue reading Thup, Thup, Thup…
Tag: power
First Impressions
My efforts to stay awake and finish my presentation Monday night were thwarted by constant head-nodding. Eventually, I gave up – my copy and paste actions were getting depressingly sloppy – and went to bed. I assumed that by getting to bed at a reasonable hour, I could wake up early and finish the slide… Continue reading First Impressions
Though I didn’t intend it, I’ve had a blogger’s block lately. I can’t find anything in my world in the last couple of days worth writing about. I can say I’m a bit under the weather, so maybe that gives me a sense of optical rectumitis on everything else. I’m also beginning to think seriously… Continue reading Timeout
Winter Storm 2005
[subtle sarcasm ahead] We’ve made it through the Winter Storm 2005 event, as the news likes to call it. The torrential downpour of ice and slush coated everything with a half inch of glassy ice. Quite pretty, though worthless to drive on. My vehicle is front-wheel drive, so it’s rendered useless in the great Georgian… Continue reading Winter Storm 2005
Dr. Evil Works for Boeing
NASA pushed an unmanned scramjet to nearly mach 10 recently. The technologies are all new and never before put into effect on a flying vehicles before. NASA has broken the flying speed record twice now. The report says that possible military use in the creation of a bomber could reach anywhere on the planet (surface-level,… Continue reading Dr. Evil Works for Boeing
Doughnut Croissant
If you haven’t had one of these, you are a depraved soul bound for a hell of ignorance. One taste of such goodness and your senses become more keen than ever. You also get super-powers from them. I got one at Ingle’s (Grocery Store) – now I’m a slave to sweetened butter and promiscuous glaze… Continue reading Doughnut Croissant
Power Outtage
It’s a beautiful fall day and my office building lost power for almost an hour. Seems inexplicable, but it was a good excuse to go out and enjoy the afternoon sunshine for a bit.
Rhythm Downtown
Yet another successful night of drumming on the square in Gainesville. We had a great crowd tonight, and continued to see new people right up until we left. As my friend, David, pointed out, I have been up now for 19 hours. He wasn’t too sure that I’d have the drive to complete a long… Continue reading Rhythm Downtown