Tomorrow evening we’re heading out to BODIES, The Exhibition at the Atlanta Civic Center. I only just heard about it from the co-workers Friday, but it really sounded like something right up my alley. It’s being marketed as an artistic presentation of human anatomy. The models are made from human cadavers, and then preserved using… Continue reading BODIES, The Exhibition (Atlanta)
Tag: ice
Heritage Family Library
The Heritage Family Library sent me the Young Peoples’ Atlas in the mail recently. This is one of those books that they ask for money in order to put your name in them, thereby granting you some imagined fame. It infuriates me that they’ve sent a product to my doorstep, telling me nothing about it,… Continue reading Heritage Family Library
We got Sprung
Today marks the beginning of Spring and it’s somewhat rainy and cool. Not a bad way to start spring, though we were given a week’s warmth and sunshine that makes this change a little sour. Yesterday was my son’s birthday party, and it happened to be overcast and cool. Could’ve been better, but you just… Continue reading We got Sprung
Breakfast Contemplation
I stopped in at QuikTrip this morning for some breakfast and coffee. I stopped at the display housing all manner of protein and meal replacement bars. Amongst this presentation of health were the Rice Krispy treats we all long for. It turns out they have a king size version too. What’s peculiar about this is… Continue reading Breakfast Contemplation
To Err is Beta
I thought, man! You don’t see this screen often from Google. But then I noticed the logo and all was calmed. One must remember the small “BETA” that is as integral to the Google logo as a merged Photoshop layer. It’s a crutch and a warning, though most people undoubtedly forget about it when it’s… Continue reading To Err is Beta
Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
A List Apart asked for readers to post their professed love for the Internet on Valentine’s Day. I did so, and found a spot among many within their post of the same. It’s an interesting group of blurbs to read through. It made me recall a lot of things that I might take for granted… Continue reading Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
Major Updates Complete!
Wow! I cannot tell you how happy I am to be done with that. The major part of my work was done in very short order. I had to work out some problems as I went, but I was well prepared for most of it. One thing I didn’t look into was the fact that… Continue reading Major Updates Complete!
Major Updates Coming
Seriously this time. I’m in the process of migrating the site over to WordPress 2.0.1. I’ve done it in beta now and have finally reached full success. There were issues with importing comments that I’ve finally worked out. The last element of known risk is permanent links. Out there in the blogosphere are links to… Continue reading Major Updates Coming
An Obsessive’s Guide to Coffee
A co-worker brought in a copy of Food & Wine magazine for my perusal this morning. It includes an article on coffee, the result of which is from “410 man-hours [of] tasting 157 coffees and testing 67 coffeemakers (not to mention 10 grinders) to find the best of the best.” This is something I can… Continue reading An Obsessive’s Guide to Coffee
Revisiting D&D
Saturday ended at 3:30am Sunday morning. I played D&D for the first time since the 80’s with a group of friends. They’re old pro’s, but I have some catching up to do. We played all day and night, so that’s a good way to get a refresher course. We didn’t actually have time for any… Continue reading Revisiting D&D