No One Gets It

I have a bust of my head in my cube at work, of all places, and no one gets it. It’s damn funny I tell you! People are generally very impressed at the craftmanship of the sculpture. Maybe they’re trying to be respectful of my decoration choices. The intention of my bringing a life-size replica… Continue reading No One Gets It

Stairway to Heaven

The family made a trip this afternoon up to Amicalola Falls near Ellijay for some much needed together time and natural communion. Balthazar loved the walk, which is probably 1/4 mile – maybe 1/2 at most to the falls’ base. However, a big part of that hike is 125 steps on a winding staircase up… Continue reading Stairway to Heaven

Childhood Memories Crushed

A friend of mine at work asked me the other day if I had played with G.I. Joe toys when I was a kid. I had, of course, and quite fondly remembered them. Unlike many small boys, I did not indulge in morbid acts of violence against said heroes. No, I had a respect for… Continue reading Childhood Memories Crushed

A New Era

Today is a day I may well regret for a year to come. I introduced Balthazar, the three-year-old, to cheese fries. This marks the end of most any other food, I’m sure.


The boy, Balthazar, is doing well in his young years. He had his first all-nighter party this evening. We took a trip out to Isi’s (Missy’s) for their girl’s 1st birthday. It wasn’t until 9:30 that we finally arrived, but by 12:00 when we left, Balthazar was going strong. He seemed to enjoy himself. Between… Continue reading Resiliency

Falun Gong Cultivation

I recently saw the BODIES exhibit, where it is rumored that the cadavers on display are actually those of the Falun Gong. Could be. But I don’t compare this to ivory blackmarket trade. The prisoners are being executed regardless of whether or not people are buying organs and bodies.

BODIES: The Exhibition (Wrap-Up)

Not being a medical student, I can’t begin to fully appreciate what I saw, but I can say that I would never have otherwise been able to examine cadavers as I did here.