Word of the Year

Answers.com has this to say about phatic: phat·ic (făt’ĭk) adj. Of, relating to, or being speech used to share feelings or to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas. I don’t know how Web 2.0 missed this most appropriate word for the new wave of Internet stickiness, but it’s a… Continue reading Word of the Year

Pod People

Yesterday, Amy and I spent the whole day doing Chewbacca pictures for the upcoming DragonCon art show. I think this year’s project is going to be really great! Earlier in the morning, I had a doctor’s appointment to attend to. While I was there, I took the opportunity to ask April, the lady I usually… Continue reading Pod People

Military-Strength Exfoliator

The ray gun is under development by our military research experts in the Pentagon. The device uses a microwave technology to penetrate just beneath the skin and boil it. Probably a bit like a jellyfish or tattoo experience. I could see that as being an effective deterrence, though a Tesla-like charge of taser energy would… Continue reading Military-Strength Exfoliator