Balthazar received his second backpack in life – this one more official than the diaper bag/backpack we taught him to carry. He perked awake this morning with the clear intention of this backpack accompanying him to daycare (a.k.a. school). All morning he held onto said pack and eagerly considered the jealousy in his friends’ eyes… Continue reading Make Sure You Have Clean Underwear
Tag: Art
Flash! Bang! Wow!
Flash has brought about some very entertaining stuff throughout the years. Now artist Alan Becker demonstrates the real struggle in Flash art creation. It’s Animator vs. Animation.
Fresh Dose of Heebee Jeebies
Neatorama shares with us six of the more horrific parasites encountered within the the world. I’ve seen some of these already and I know of others that certainly deserve their fair attention in the top 10. This article however, has some pictures that left me noticing slight skin twitches with some unneeded apprehension. Six Horrifying… Continue reading Fresh Dose of Heebee Jeebies
Fletch Lives
I was such a fan of the 80’s movies surrounding Irwin Fletch’s life in investigative journalism. Zach Braff (apparently positioning himself to leave the cast of Scrubs, another favorite) is setup to play the part of Fletch in a remake that Braff has reenergized after some 5-years of the project’s faultering. It seems that many… Continue reading Fletch Lives
The Lineup so Far (Solar System 2.0 Beta)
In case you’ve missed the news, the astronomical community is currently reworking our solar system after some new information and a bit of a debate. While God may or may not have created our universe in 7 days, it has taken 2ΒΌ centuries thus far to flesh out the solar system. Now we’re haggling about… Continue reading The Lineup so Far (Solar System 2.0 Beta)
Talladega Nights
We watched Talladega Nights Sunday evening and were pleased, at least, that we chose to pay the reduced matinee price. Maybe I’ve outgrown the comedic pratfall and slapstick routines of Larry, Moe, and Curly, but I’d like to think that Talladega Nights just wasn’t that funny. My wife and I decided that it was probably… Continue reading Talladega Nights
Java Log
When first presented with the idea of a java log, one may summon visions of bad dietary intake resulting in compacted bowels and inevitably, the java log. That is not the case and I beg you to stick around to discover the beauty behind what you just thought might very well be a fecal fantasy.… Continue reading Java Log
Today’s Fun Fact
What’s the tallest mountain on Earth? If you answered Mt. Everest, you’re 1/3 right. The truest answer would be to list all three mountains given the tallest status by the various interpretations of measurement. Tallest from sea level: Mt. Everest in the Himalayas at 29,035 feet Tallest from the base: Mauna Kea in Hawaii at… Continue reading Today’s Fun Fact
Federal Bureau of Inefficiency
A romantic notion in the recesses of my mind really loves the F.B.I., C.I.A., and the like. I like spy novels. I like James Bond. I like super heroes fighting super villans. However, the real world of federal investigative services is far different than the portrayal delivered through metaphor and myth. I read today in… Continue reading Federal Bureau of Inefficiency
Newness at MARTA
We’ve ridden MARTA a couple times over the last couple weekends and noticed quite a bit of awesome new technology. They’ve traded the old turnstile gates in for Star Trek fanciness. The best improvement made was to the ticketing system. The new system allows you to buy your passes (the Breeze Pass) with cash or… Continue reading Newness at MARTA