As I’ve grown up in varying parts of Georgia, one thing remained absolutely constant; blackberries. They’re in south Georgia and north Georgia. They grow vigorously regardless of what pain you can submit them to. My mom makes the best blackberry cobbler in the world. I haven’t had it in sometime now (hint, hint), but I’m thinking of it right now. It may be more than coincidence that I have only recently received my first ever BlackBerry phone. I joined Cingular and received a RIM 7100g BlackBerry for my troubles. It is (will be) free with rebates through and Papa Johns online ordering. That later part is just plain odd, but whatever gets you a free phone. Of the two camps from which BlackBerrians dwell, I am of the “lover’s” group. I can’t keep my sweaty hands off the device. I burned a battery down in one day of use with my constant web browsing, message readnig, and calendar peeking. I also have IM+ for it, which is essentially a Trillian for the RIM. My availability has now gone to excessive with this device. You can (and probably will) chat with me whilst I answer the call of nature. I tasted the phone, and it doesn’t compare to my mom’s cobbler. Despite this short-coming, I am still really enjoying it. I still need some cobbler to satisfy the rest of this urge, however. Á la mode, if you will.
I wish I owned stock in RIM.