Heritage Family Library

The Heritage Family Library sent me the Young Peoples’ Atlas in the mail recently. This is one of those books that they ask for money in order to put your name in them, thereby granting you some imagined fame. It infuriates me that they’ve sent a product to my doorstep, telling me nothing about it,… Continue reading Heritage Family Library

2006: The Year of the Landfill

Last year, and for roughly ten prior, I collected material goods as the situation arose. In 2006, I threw them all away. Well, I didn’t exactly throw them all away, though if you were to ask my wife you’d get a different response. My wife and I both took the first week off of the… Continue reading 2006: The Year of the Landfill

Simple, Instrumented, Bullet-Proof

I had an “all-hands” meeting today at CheckFree in which we discussed our division’s strengths and weaknesses. One of the things I gleaned from this was that there is a desire by upper management for solutions to be simple, instrumented, and bullet-proof when they’re handed off. This rings true in many people’s minds, I think.… Continue reading Simple, Instrumented, Bullet-Proof