I read about meez.com recently and thought I’d have to go try it out. Meez.com is a 3D avatar generator, geared primarily towards 18-25 year-old blog owners like the type you’d see on MySpace or similar. So what do you think? Is it my gaming self?
In related news, there’s now a site that will help you with your socially awkward life (virtually). You can pay a monthly fee and get hottie friends on your MySpace (or similar) account. They’ll even leave you messages, which you can customize. The MySpace phenomenon represents a dark cloud in society. It is, perhaps, what I saw in the ‘chatroom’ back when AOL was hip.
Link: Meez.com
Link: FakeYourSpace.com
omg- that is you. I mean, it IS you! Crazyness. I wanna do one, can you make them knit too? Do I need to have a blog for one? Crap, gotta start that blog.