This is good: Microsoft (Download.Ject PressPass) wishes to direct your attention to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) for submission of Download.Ject-related incidents. The IFCC is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). "IFCC’s mission is to address fraud committed over the Internet. For victims of Internet fraud, IFCC provides a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at all levels, IFCC offers a central repository for complaints related to Internet fraud, works to quantify fraud patterns, and provides timely statistical data of current fraud trends." What’s particularly funny about all this is that the IFCC’s warnings are (as of this writing) about 5 months old. We’ll see if the latest Internet Explorer vulnerabilities show up on their warnings list sometime in December `04.