Don’t Panic!

Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is coming to theater’s in live-action glory soon! You may have seen the original movie or read the book (wasn’t there a cartoon also?), but a new movie just seems apt after the abysmal 1982 rendition. Since Adams’ untimely death in 2001, proper reverance has yet to be shown. With the release of yet another try on this story, Adams’ spirit will finally be satisfied.

May 6th, 2005 marks the release.


  1. I certainly recommend reading the book (books, actually). It’s hilariously funny and you may find that you suddenly become privy to many witty jokes. Besides – if you happen to find yourself in jail one day, reading is about all you can do. That and work-out.

  2. I read the first like 2 chapters of that book when I was in NY. It seemed pretty interesting but then I found one about nonlocality that caught my attention more.
    I’ve never really been a big book reader although lately I’m trying to switch some lame habbits of spending time doing nothing , or sleeping, to more positive and productive things such as reading and learning new things. Anyhoo- the first 2 chapters were pretty good, maybee I’ll finish it one of these days…

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